Today brings us to volume three of the intentional weekend inspiration round-up. Here are some posts that I loved this week, and I think you’ll enjoy them as well. Kick back with your favorite beverage and get your mind right this morning. Due to all of the magic happening this weekend at SimpleREV 2015, there will be something a little different for Monday’s vlog. Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!
So many aspects of minimalism can benefit both the physical and mental parts of our lives. Here’s a great post (with webinar included) by Marc and Angel: Three ways to clear the thoughts that complicate your life.
How impactful can an action from a single individual be? Check out the tipping point. Includes video of dancing, so it’s a guaranteed win.
True story: I’m an adoption worker that finds homes for hard-to-place kids.
Sweden introduces a six-hour work day. This is a movement I can get behind.
Consumer Education: On learning how to spend. (Thanks to my friend Kit for recommending these last two)