Often, I prefer analog writing in my Moleskine notebook, particularly with a Papermate Flair M Felt-Tip Pen. When recently explaining to Amy why I enjoyed it so much, I had a realization: I type around 120 words per minute at my peak, which means that my typing often leaps my brain’s ability to come up with sufficient words to write. Creative writing often ends up being a choppy, overly calculated process. I especially love this particular pen for its dynamic writing feel, but something about it feels artful. Due to penmanship being inherently slower than typing, it creates a constant flow. One sentence moving seamlessly to the next without interruption, so writing seems to come out… differently. I’ll use this category to post a series of hand-written ramblings from my Moleskine journal, unedited, word for word.
1/30/2015 – Somewhere Over Middle America En Route To LAX
I’m realizing that there is no one stop solution to having a happy life. As one becomes more intentional with their time and attention, all kinds of opportunities arise where they were previously unseen. Each step along the way opens another door to consciousness. We can become more aware through meditation, but in order to see the good, we must remove the bad. We must remove the distractions that take our time and attention away from what really matters. A meaningful existence can be so easy. Live simply, have only what brings you great joy. Give to others and focus on creating real, genuine life experiences that will only improve in memory as time goes on. Without the distraction of TV, Facebook, Reddit, the things intended to keep us idle, ‘entertained’, we are exposed to our pure being. We are left to sit with the person we are and the potentially boring life we live. The old saying still rings true, with my personal twist.
If your life were a book, would you want to read it?
Would anyone want to read it (for that matter)? What are the things that make a truly interesting, well-lived life? Who are we to determine such things? I believe that answer is different for each that might ask it.
What is my answer?
A life of adventure. Travel. A life of risk and reward. Not being afraid to try and fail. Doing what I love even though that may change with time. Loving fiercely, hugging those close to me as if they were the last life vest on a sinking ship. Love.