Here’s some information about what I do and don’t do here on Break the Twitch:
- Break the Twitch is 100% me, directly to you. That is why I pay to host my own website, ad-free, so this can be the case.
- Some of the links on Break the Twitch may be affiliate links, where I get a small commission based on a potential sale.
- If I post an affiliate link, it is something that I personally use, support and would recommend regardless of compensation.
- I do not accept money in exchange for reviews, sponsored content, or anything that might influence how I write.
- My personal mission is to help you minimize distractions so you can do more of what matters. That means being more intentional about the way we spend money, our attention, and our time. That mission will always come first before any kind of monetary gain to be had. I will only ever link to resources (affiliate or otherwise) that fit within that mission.
- We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.