Welcome to the start of a new monthly series, Behind The Scenes (unless someone suggests a better name for it). In this video, I cover what we’ve been up to for the last month or so, and what you can expect in the near future from the blog and YouTube channel (hint: a tiny house wood-fired sauna)! I also share some resources, links, and updates on the soon-to-be-released audiobook as well!
Mentioned In The Video
Joshua Becker’s Uncluttered Course (aff.) is currently open for registration until April 29th (now closed). It’s only open a few times per year, so check it out if you’re ready to get your spring decluttering done by this summer.
I got inspiration for this new monthly series from a fellow creator; if you have enjoyed my videos on YouTube, you’re likely to find value in muchelleb’s YouTube channel as well. She creates beautiful videos on intentional living, decluttering, and has a fantastic Australian accent to boot. We’ve collaborated in the past, and I always love her insights and creative visuals.
A few weeks ago I flew to Los Angeles to do an episode of the Ground Up Show Podcast w/ Matt D’Avella. Matt was the director behind the popular Netflix documentary, Minimalism. He’s an inspiring guy and makes absolutely beautiful visuals for his videos. The episode we shot together is about an hour and a half long, and makes for some great listening (and watching).
Here are some highlights from the Mint.com videos I’ve been making over the last few months:
Spring Clean Your Entire Life
Minimalism Saves Money
Perspective on Contentment
Audiobook Update
And lastly, the Break the Twitch audiobook is currently pending final review in the Audible system. Everything is complete, and should be available within the next week. Those of you that pre-ordered will be receiving an MP3 file (and code to access on Audible) shortly via email. If you’re more of a reader, you can buy the ebook through Amazon/Kindle right away.
To stay updated on the latest, subscribe on YouTube to see the new videos I’m putting out there every week (they’re not always posted on the blog).