After a third successful run of minsgame, I’m left thinking about what’s next. One of the reasons the minimalist game seems to work so well is that it starts out with a ridiculously easy challenge and works up from there. Establishing an easy win right away, by getting rid of just one thing, and building on that success.
[Read more…] about A Simple Approach To Long-Term GoalsBreak the Twitch Articles
The Black Friday Experience
Minimalism Tips + The Power of Community (Week 2)

And just like that, we’re entering week two of the November minimalist game challenge, known as #minsgameBOSS. Whatever day of the month it is, we’re getting rid of that many things each day. Today is the 11th, and eleven things will be getting donated, sold, or recycled. If you’re interested in learning more, you can learn about that here.
[Read more…] about Minimalism Tips + The Power of Community (Week 2)What Is Intentional Living?
In this episode, I explore the definition of intentional living, my minimalism journey, and what Break the Twitch is all about.
It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better (Week 1)

This month I’ll be focusing on minimalism and decluttering as we’re doing this fun minimalist challenge through November. I’ve found that embracing a minimalist lifestyle has helped calm the consumerism twitch and reduce physical distractions around the house.
Now that we’re well into week one of the challenge (you can follow me on Instagram to see what I’m getting rid of) things are starting to heat up. Together with Laura, Sara, and Heather, we have this amazing Facebook group of almost 100 people committing to play the game along with us. I started crunching some numbers and realized the collective impact of this many people decluttering their homes.
[Read more…] about It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better (Week 1)Intentional Weekend Inspiration Vol. 5

Today brings us to volume five of the (now bi-weekly) intentional weekend inspiration roundup. Here are some posts that I loved this week, and I think you’ll enjoy them as well. Kick back with your favorite beverage and get your mind into the right gear this morning. I have a fun project announcement to make on Monday, so I’ll see you then.
Why Too Much Choice Is Stressing Us Out | The Guardian by Stuart Jeffries. People often act against their wellbeing. They also rarely make choices in a rational way.
In Defense of Doing Nothing | Blonde on a Budget (a guest post by Nathan Atkinson). The secret that helps me to be more productive is to take time to do nothing. Before you dismiss this as something silly or stupid, let me explain further.
Emotional Decluttering | Social Sara 612 by Sara Mutchler. My emotional decluttering is helping to create a drama-free zone. It’s a work in progress and I’m learning. But I must be doing something right because I feel better now than I did before.